began the important task of preparing for the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) - a new law designed to protect the personal data and privacy of EU residents. While working on this implementation we have seen that the main principles behind the law are genuinely good for our users. The regulation aims to make personal data processing more transparent and to give people more control over their data. Even though the GDPR only applies to EU citizens, we have decided to go beyond and adopt the same good policies for all of our users, regardless of their citizenship or location. The new rules are becoming effective on 25th of May 2018. The following document apply these rules to our service:
Which describes how we collect, use, share and process our customers’ personal data.
In compliance with the GDPR, our new Privacy Policy explains in detail what information we receive from you and why. It also outlines how we share your personal information and with whom we share it with.
The first thing you need to know is that we collect the minimum data needed to provide our stellar service. When you sign up with , you provide your contact and billing information. We need these to process your orders, keep you updated about scheduled maintenance, and send critical information related to the services you use. You can edit this data, download it and request profile deletion through your customer area.
To provide all services around your hosting account we share some of your data with external providers like domain registrars, SSL providers All such partners are either natively GDPR-compliant themselves or have signed a special contract with us to meet our data protection standards.
If you’ve given us your express consent, we also use your email address to share tips, special offers, and to announce new products. This consent can be withdrawn or modified at any time through the my details section of your clientarea
Our Privacy Policy also outlines the ways we collect data from you when you interact with our site and services. This information helps us keep an eye on our site’s performance, resolve issues, and identify ways to optimize and improve our products and services. We do not link this data to any personally identifiable information, except if necessary to prevent fraud or abuse on our site.
These are some of the most important points in the Privacy Policy, but to see everything in details we strongly encourage you to read through the whole document.
As a hosting provider we also have responsibilities as a data processor. This means that when our customers use our services to store any personal data on ’s servers, we are required by the GDPR to meet some criteria for handling this data too.
One of our main responsibilities as entity processing information, uploaded on our servers by our customers, is to provide adequate security measures.
Our GDPR Compliant puts in writing our obligation to access any data that our customers store on our servers only to the extent needed to provide our services and to make sure only employees that are directly involved with the provision of the service have access to it.
Sometimes our partnering companies need access to the data uploaded on our servers so that we can provide our service. Our data center partners are an example of such a partnering company. We provide access only to partners that have same or higher level of data protection as the one we guarantee you
As per GDPR Compliant we are responsible to include timely disclosure through , if a personal data breach is detected by us to have happened on the servers used by our clients. We are obliged to notify our affected customers within 72 hours.
Also if receives a request by an individual, using a website hosted on our servers, to exercise one of the personal data rights outlined in the GDPR, we’ll redirect them to the site owner.